Frames Gallery Exhibition of Dunfermline Printmakers Workshop

St Monan
St Monans Harbour (hand painted etching)


am delighted to say we had a fantastic opening night at Frames Gallery, Perth on Friday night. Hugh and his team have done a fantastic job of putting our exhibition together and promoting it and the place was heaving with gallery regulars, our friends and families as a result. This doesn’t always happen with preview shows, so all that preparation was very much worthwhile and appreciated!

It was really great to see all of our combined efforts hung so beautifully together in one place for a change. Each of us is used to producing our work in each others’ company then sending it off to various galleries around the country, but we rarely get the chance to see it all hung as a collection. So this show was a great opportunity for us all to see how distinctive and individual our methods, ideas and output are. Yet the show works very well together as a whole and shows the quality and diversity of work being produced at our humble wee cooperative in Dunfermline. Looking round the exhibition, I felt proud to be involved in the workshop. Without wanting to sound like I’m blowing my own or anyone else’s trumpet, I reckon this exhibition is worthy of any gallery in the country. 

So please do take some time out to visit Frames Gallery and have a look for yourself. The exhibition is on until 4th April. You wont be disappointed!

My page at Frames Gallery

Dunfermline Printmakers Exhibition Page at Frames Gallery

Frames Gallery on Facebook

Dunfermline Printmakers Exhibition at Frames Gallery, Perth

Come along and see some amazing prints from our very diverse cooperative of artists working across a huge range of printing methods and styles. You are welcome to join us at the preview this Friday evening, 6-8pm (details below). Hope to see you there!

Here’s a link to my own page at Frames Gallery


More mini paintings on the way!

I’ve been working on a smaller scale these past few weeks, partly as a way into painting again after a long period of etching in monotone and also for an exhibition of small works at Morningside Gallery in Edinburgh. I’ve really loved working in watercolours again, which is how I started way back when.

Here’s the latest little picture I’ve just finished of Jeffrey Street from North Bridge, Edinburgh, which will be winging it’s way through to Edinburgh later this afternoon. This one has ended up in Marchmont Gallery along with a few other pieces. I went in on spec this afternoon and the manager, Karen, wouldn’t let me leave with it! Delighted to be represnted by another lovely gallery in Edinburgh!

Jeffrey Street from North Bridge, Edinburgh
Jeffrey Street from North Bridge, Edinburgh

An appointment with Egon Schiele

I just had a fantastic whistle stop tour round 3 of London’s best art exhibitions on at the moment. Egon Schiele has been one of my all-time biggest inspirations (especially his landscapes), but it was a real treat to spend 2 whole hours in the wonderful Courtauld Gallery, analysing his incredible fugurative drawings and paintings. I ended up writing notes on my phone about his use of colour and line, his techniques having always remained elusive to me since I’d only ever seen his work in books before. Seeing those paintings in the flesh, so to speak, was very revealing indeed! His precission line is backed up by almost invisble traces of watercolour for tonal work and his use of dry brushes to apply gouache for the deeper skin tone, hair and clothes (as well as appearing to use a brush to scrape back some of the paint to lighten or add highlights) was done with such care that it looked almost impossible to replicate time after time throughout his works, but he managed it somehow.


I also spent an hour at the National Portrait Gallery and particularly enjoyed the Grayson Perry exhibits (having watched the accompanying tv show Who Are you? I love his “pots” and can’t imagine how he makes them and at such a rate, on top of everything he does. I also saw a couple of great Lucian Freud paintings up close, which again never fails to impress upon me the importance of paying attention to detail. Every square millimeter of his Caroline Blackwood portrait below has been painted with mind-boggling care and attention.


So after almost 5 hours to get here this morning and a long day of bashing the galleries, I have a night on the train home to look forward to. I thought I’d booked a sleeper cabin, but it turns out it’s a normal bloody seat (and to add insult to injury, I appear to have neglected to upgrade to the reclining variety!). Still, I’m looking forward to making a start on building up my stock of portraits and figure drawings, paintings and possibly prints too. It’s my New Year’s resolution to fill this website with a new section of these soon.

Watch this space!


Awaiting the Turn of the Tide

If there’s one thing I know I’ve always been good at, it’s procrastinating! So my New Year’s resolution is to try to get to my studio (or at least start working from home or wherever I happen to be) before 9am Monday through to Friday … from now on and for ever more!

Ok, I know we’re only half way through the first full working week of the year, but I have managed to keep to my new regime and – I have to say – I’m pretty impressed with myself!

So here’s my output so far for the week; 4 small paintings based on previous etchings and larger paintings, all finished and delivered for the latest mini works exhibition at Morningside Gallery in Edinburgh (which begins in a couple of week’s time).

Hope your New Year has gotten off to a good start!


Awaiting the Turn of the Tide 1-4 (8x6" mixed media)
Awaiting the Turn of the Tide 1-4 (8×6″ mixed media)


At the banquet (or not)!

I wish it wasn’t just my paintings and prints that will be attending tonight’s wonderful looking banquet at the Abbot House. They’ll be adorning these fine medieval walls for the coming weeks, so drop by and have a gander if you’re in the vicinity. All are for sale just in case you’re still on the hunt for something with a very personal touch and created by my own not-so-fair hands!

The Banqueting Hall at Abbot House, Dunfermline
The Banqueting Hall at Abbot House, Dunfermline

Open For Business

Just a reminder that I am at my studio again until 4pm, if you fancy dropping by and brightening up this dreary Sunday afternoon.

Abbot House, Maygate, Dunfermline KY12 7NE

Abbot House

If you can’t make it today, but would like to see my work another time, ring me on 07903 974259 and we can arrange a private view.